Data collection new customer

General info
Way of billing
By default we send our invoice as soon as we have received the CMR. After which we'll send the CMR attached to our invoice. But more and more often we are requested not to send the CMR anymore, however to keep it in such a way that they can request it afterwards if needed.
Choose option*
Send the invoice immediately upon receipt of CMR and attach the CMR
Invoice immediately after delivery, do not send CMR
Bulk invoice (every Friday)
Invoice immediately after loading, save CMR - do not send it
VAT on invoice (default
Here you can indicate which VAT percentage will probably APPLY IN MOST CASES.*
VAT high (currently: 21%)
VAT 0%
VAT reversed charged (art 44)
E-mail adress status update
On the days when your transport(s) are loaded and/or unloaded, you can automatically receive a status update by email during the morning from us. If you are interested in this, you can enter one or more email addresses here.
Date / approval
Van Vliet Logistics BV uses a payment term of 30 days after the invoice date.
Form filled by:


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