Data collection new carrier

General information
Contact persons
Administrative information
Operational information
Here you can indicate whether you have taken out a carrier liability insurance.
On the days on which you load and/or unload one or more transports for us, you will receive an e-mail from us early in the morning (approximately 07.00 hours) with an overview of these shipment(s) with the friendly request to briefly advise the status per shipment. In this way we can meet the growing information needs of our customers - at least to some extent- and - as is apparent in practice - correct any errors on time.
Date and consent
Please send your invoice with POD to Every Friday, Van Vliet Logistics BV pays all purchase invoices that are 30 days or older that meet the following conditions: All relevant PODs were sent along with the invoice (or possibly earlier). The invoice amount is equal to the amount stated on our transport order! If your invoice meets the above conditions, it doesn't matter if we have already been paid! I hereby declare, on behalf of our company, that I agree with the terms of payment and that I have filled in all information truthfully.
Submitted by:


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