Kalenders / calendars 2024

De Van Vliet Logistics - 6 maands-kalenders zijn ongekend handig voor mensen die een paar maanden vooruit moeten kijken (planners) of een paar maanden terug moeten kijken (rapporteurs / financials). Immers de meeste wandkalenders hebben 'slechts' 3 maanden. Ook is het meegenomen dat nationale en internationale feestdagen worden vermeld. 

Desondanks belanden veel van onze kalenders in de prullenbak of papierbak. Dat is natuurlijk zonde. Dit is een onnodige belasting voor het milieu (verf drukwerk / uitstoot transport).

Daarom willen we het voor aankomend jaar anders doen. Om verspilling tegen te gaan, vragen wij u vriendelijk hieronder aan te geven hoeveel kalenders u wilt ontvangen en op welk adres. Graag voor 31 mei 2023.
Wilt u geen kalenders ontvangen, hoeft u niets te doen.

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The Van Vliet Logistics - 6 month calendars are unprecedentedly useful for people who need to look a few months ahead (planners) or a few months back (reporters / financials). After all, most wall calendars have "only" 3 months. It is also included that national and international holidays are listed.

Nevertheless, many of our calendars end up in the trash or paper garbage can. This, of course, is a waste. It's turns out to be an unnecessary burden on the environment (paint printing/emissions from transport).

Therefore, we want to do it differently for next year. We kindly ask you to indicate below how many calendars you would like to receive and to which address. Please do so before May 31, 2023 .

If you do not want to receive calendars, you do not have to do anything.






E-mailadres(sen) statusupdate

On the days when your transport(s) are loaded and/or unloaded, you can automatically receive a status update by email during the morning from us. If you are interested in this, you can enter one or more email addresses here.

VAT on invoice (default)

Here you can indicate which VAT percentage will probably APPLY IN MOST CASES.

Way of billing

By default we send our invoice as soon as we have received the CMR. After which we'll send the CMR attached to our invoice.

But more and more often we are requested not to send the CMR anymore, however to keep it in such a way that they can request it afterwards if needed.


Date / approval

Van Vliet Logistics BV uses a payment term of 30 days after the invoice date